Hi everyone, we are happy about our latest review on French jazz blog “Les Chroniques de HiKo”. A big thanks to Mr. Hillali.

You can check it out at the link below.

La nouvelle chronique de notre album “These Human Beings”, maintenant disponible sur le blog de jazz ” Les Chroniques de HiKo”, ci-dessous le lien.

Bonne lecture et un grand remerciement à M. Hillali.


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International Jazz Day Paris 2015Deux jeunes musiciens qui gravitent entre Paris, New York et l’Italie. PERICOPES est un groupe de jazz crée en 2007 par le pianiste Alessandro Sgobbio (installé à Paris depuis 2011) et le saxophoniste Emiliano Vernizzi. Il s’agit d’un “nouveau jazz”, un mélange de différentes influences musicales, avec pour bases la tradition européenne, afro-américaine et l’improvisation. En 2013 Pericopes gagne le premier prix absolu au tremplin du Festival Umbria Jazz de Pérouse (Italie). Le groupe est aussi sélectionné par le magazine Italien de jazz “Musica Jazz” aux TopJazz 2013, dans la catégorie des meilleures formations de jazz italien.

go to sunset-sunside.com

JEUDI 30 AVRIL 2015 / 19H00 / Sunside
International Jazz Day 2015 spécial Jazz Italien

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We are happy to share with you our latest reviews from the Italian press.

The open nature of this project puts on board drummer Nick Wight, that worth “+1″ who is the main character on final song “Changing World”, a nostalgic paint which gets the emotional highlight of a courageous and unpredicted album.


These Human Beings is plenty of artistic humus.


The good thing from this trio is that they don’t “hang out” either with the massive omnipresent neobop, either with the ecstatic Scandinavian style. In their composite rhythms, we can find pretty much some of a particular experimental, fragmented and multi-directional rock. The distribution of the rules is well balanced and it gives a sense of unity to the improvisations.


This 10-tracks album from Pericopes+1 conduct the listener into a sonore dimension where the dialogue and the conceptual revision of interpreters’ rules are going to receive the jazz of tomorrow.


Many Thanks to Daniele Camerlengo, Stefano Dentice, Piercarlo Poggio and Enrico Ramunni.

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A new review of our latest album These Human Beings has been published today on prestigious Italian Newspaper Il Fatto Quotidiano.

Many thanks to Paolo Odello for his article.



The big strength of this album is its rare ability to tell us a story which goes further than the notes and the rhythms, transforming this journey in a unique and shared experience. An ambitious and succeed project.



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